Liz Rothschild
For information about Liz’s theatre work, please visit the Theatre page.
Liz lives on an organic mixed farm between Oxford and Swindon with her partner Adam Twine. They have two children, Rowan and Laurie.
The farm boasts a horticultural therapy project working with people living with mental health challenges called Root & Branch which they founded together ( and a windfarm and solar park initiated by Adam which together form the largest community owned renewable energy producer in the country so far. They were both instrumental in setting up the education and outreach arm of the two co-ops. (
Liz was chair until Autumn 2017 of the recently formed Treehouse Wiltshire charity providing support for bereaved children and young people in Swindon and Wiltshire. Up until October 2015 there was no such provision.
She was one of the four Directors of Women In Power UK CIC which has been delivering an initiation programme for women for the last 11 years using a model developed in the United States and in close association with the co-creators over there. She is very proud to be part of an organisation that offers such positive help to women and is constantly impressed with how lasting the effects of the four day experience can be and with the expanding and developing nature of the Women in Power community.