I’m fairly sure now about my end of life arrangements – or so I think! I have no experience of it and no one mentions the intricacies. I don’t want a funeral or burial service but a good supportive “do” in the village hall bringing together friends and relations, money to be spent on this, not on my body. But what happens to my body? At home? Hospital? Other? What is the minimal in effort and cost. Washing the body was talked of. Without using costly funeral directors who can do… what? Put me in the … well, is it the recycling bin or landfill bin? I don’t want anyone at a burial or cremation unless they feel the need for it. I need to find that out but what statistics are there in which is most therapeutic for which personality types? What are the comparative costs monetarily and to conservation or global destruction? Can I be disposed of? And when? After the death is registered or before? Which can be the quickest? Various types of burial or cremation? Who arranged what and when? How and where? How to find out concisely, about it all?