Stories from: Lansdown Hall & Gallery, Stroud


Crematorium Attached

As a student in the 1970s I worked in a cemetery with a crematorium attached.  On a Friday, I asked

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So still

My first dead body was Barry, Kayra and Kirsty’s Dad. I must have been 8 at most. He was in

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Atheist’s Mass

A Catholic friend of mine told me her uncle, an atheist, had told the family not to have any Mass

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Most Difficult Thing

My husband had a brain tumour and was unable to talk about dying, he was so determined that will power

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Not lost

An old local, small town Funeral Director’s mother died. As happens in small towns, a lady came up to the

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Ways to heaven

Sloane Square, London. A 64-piece orchestra played Faure’s Requiem Mass; a father from our village read a eulogy – he

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Burying the ashes

When my grandmother died she had left a request to have her ashes scattered in Llangynyw, mid-Wales, where her husband was

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Lovely death

My mother-in-law’s death was lovely. Her sons fought to have her brought home; we set her bed in the downstairs

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Tinged with regret

In 1973 a baby boy was born with serious health problems.  The doctors took over to some extent and decided

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Saying goodbye

When my young son realised that his pet rat (“Mouser”) was unwell, he promised her he’d take properly if she

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A cardboard box with a red rose

When my cousin was terminally ill and being cared for at his home, I heard that Brighton Cemetery was going

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Called my name

My mother died in childbirth when I was 5 along with my baby brother – she called my name before

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Tucked up in bed

I helped to organise the funeral for a 14-year-old boy who died of an accidental drug overdose.  His favourite food

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