Stories from: Laurence Batley, Huddersfield


Don’t They Mind?   

When our son was small we were driving past the local cemetery and I said to him, “that’s where they

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Impact and Truth   

My Mum died aged eighty-six after several years of ill health. She had dementia so I felt my ‘real’ mum

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Didn’t Feel Odd   

My father came out of the hospice to die (Friday), had his favourite meal of Sunday dinner (Saturday), and died

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Contrast of Reactions   

I experienced the death of a closely related family member six months ago, when a cousin of mine passes away,

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I’m a celebrant, so like you, have heard so many diverse stories. I wish I were braver and that families

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I’ve just started working in the death industry as a funeral arranger. I saw my first dead body four weeks

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To Remember Them   

Nearly three years ago my brother (who looks so similar to me to the extent his father in law mistook

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Life Prepares You   

When I was about seven or eight I remember realising I was going to die and being terrified. My dad

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A Balloon Each   

The nicest funeral I ever went to was for my dads’ friend. She died of cancer in a hospice and

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The Fluctuating Self   

I care for a parent with Multi-Infarct Dementia. Her personality fluctuated from ‘normal’ to fictional ‘inventing’ her self and other

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To Reconnect   

Death is not an ending it is merely a transition on to the next stage. A spiritual shedding of our

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