Stories from: Ashbrittle Village Hall, Somerset


Amusing and Entertaining

I had no idea talking about death could be so amusing and entertaining. I am taking away lots of thoughts

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Include Everyone

When my grandmother died I was 12. She died in Edinburgh at my aunt’s house. We (her grandchildren) were not

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Bakelite Coffin

A friend runs the Bakelite museum – he has a Bakelite coffin. On the original brochure it’s got benefits listed.

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Whoosh And In They Go

When our children were small we used to walk through a cemetery on the way to Gilbert’s Hill School in

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The Minimum of Obsequies

When my father died his will asked for ‘the minimum of obsequies’, and he had already made arrangements for his

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Co-op Points

My lovely great auntie died aged 91 years. She wanted to be buried next to her parents. ‘The family’ thought

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Not Her Grave

My mother requested that she wanted to be buried next to her mother. As she was about to be lowered

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