Stories from: Southampton University


The Heartbeat   

When my mum was three to four months pregnant with me she went for a routine scan but they couldn’t

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Cared About Him   

I regret that my family didn’t talk more openly about death when my grandma was dying. My mum told me

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The Body   

I had to wash and bury my grandfather as I was the eldest male in the family at the age

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Interesting To Hear   

The comments about care assistants caring for the deceased as though they were living were interesting to hear. As a

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Piggy Back Rides   

My cousin died when I was eight. This was my first experience of death so my family decided I was

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See This   

My first and only experience of death was strange and terrifying. My mum received a call from a neighbour asking

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Beautiful Colours   

When I was a child a girl from our primary school died at the age of seven. The parents and

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With death what worries me is emotions. If I had to break bad news, how would they respond and how

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